• $130 per hour of conversation

  • Included in the per hour cost is the further hours it takes to transcribe our conversations into curated stories.

  • That’s entirely up to you. A lot of life can be covered in 5 to 10 hours but if there are only particular stories that you want covered it doesn’t have to be that much or it can be more. It doesn’t need to be predetermined. We can take it one hour at a time and see where it goes. You are always in control.

  • Not usually. Generally we do a series of sessions that are one or two hours long over a period of time. You determine how long and how often.

  • Either in person in the comfort of your home or over an online platform such as zoom, depending on your location.

  • You don’t need to know what to say. That’s my job. I will ask you questions. Questions about your childhood, your parents, the births of your child/children, school, love, loss and everything in between. You decide what you want to answer and what you don’t. Everything is in your control - it is your story.

  • After our first hour together, I write up what I have and send it to you to read and review. We have a conversation about what you do and do not like about it and I adjust things accordingly. After that it is entirely up to you if you proof read after every hour we meet, wait for a collection of work to be complete before reading it or leave it entirely up to me to create.

  • This is something we decide together. It can be a small book, a beautiful photo book with the stories included, a set of emails sent to an address you create or something as simple as a thumb drive with everything on it.

  • Call me for a chat. There is no obligation and no sales pitch coming your way but I might be able to tailor my service to suit your needs. Otherwise the best advice I have for you is to trust your gut - if this feels right or just sounds interesting, it might be worth trying - even just for an hour.